
موقع اخباري منوع

ترند اليوم: Arab League Urges Ceasefire in Sudan ahead of Eid Al-Fitr

مسك- متابعات عبر الصحف الإلكترونية:

Arab League (AL) Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit on Wednesday called on conflicting Sudanese parties to cease fire during the upcoming Eid Al-Fitr holiday to enable civilians to respond to urgent humanitarian situations.

“It is heartrending to see Sudanese brethren observe Eid Al-Fitr frightened at their homes, in fear of their lives, with children, sick and elderly people living among them, while the fighting goes on, leading to loss of life and unbearable suffering among civilians,” Aboul-Gheit said in a “humanitarian call” broadcasted on the AL’s website.

He then called on the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) to announce a ceasefire during the days of Eid Al-Fitr.

“Let the Eid days be a truce in which fire ceases on both sides in a comprehensive and complete way,” Aboul-Gheit said.

He noted that during the past hours, he received several appeals from the people inside and outside Sudan describing the pressing and dangerous situations they suffer.

The AL Chief said he passes these appeals to the conflicting parties in Sudan, reminding them of the sanctity of the holy month of Ramadan and urging them not to make the Eid days a grieving for the Sudanese people.

He encouraged them to reach a truce to allow the people to get a hand on food supplies and medication.

“This is a message of a purely humanitarian call, which has nothing to do with the political position on the crisis,” Aboul-Gheit stated.

“The priority now is for the people of Sudan, and Arab values oblige us to consider civilians, while our Islamic religion obliges us, even at the time of war, to consider humanitarian and ethical values,” he stressed.

Muslims worldwide celebrate Eid Al-Fitr for three days to mark the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

المسك. مسك الحدث من أوله, الأخبار لحظة بلحظة

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